

【地域貢献室活動紹介】第21回弘前・白神アップルマラソン 2023.10.1.





【Activities of Community Relations Office】The 21st Hirosaki-Shirakami Apple Marathon (2023.10.1.)

During the 21st Hirosaki-Shirakami Apple Marathon in October, Department of Emergency Medical Technology students provided volunteer support for a total of 3,178 runners as the first aid support team and the water supply team.

The first-aid support team rode in the medical van, first-aid van, and athlete transport vehicle, and was also stationed at the first-aid station to assist the doctors, nurses, and paramedics in their activities. In addition, they paired up with paramedics belonging to the Hirosaki Area Fire Fighting Association as the Mobile AED Team and rode around the course on bicycles to assist in responding to people who had suddenly become ill.

A student departing for the course patrolling with AED
Our students and people from Hirosaki Area Fire Fighting Association serving as the mobile AED team
They transferred athletes from the first aid station to the first aid center