青森県総合防災訓練が「青森県十和田市付近を震源とするマグニチュード7.0の地震発生」という想定で行われ、本学 救急救命学科の学生たちが参加しました。

【Activities of Regional Contribution Office】 Aomori Prefectural Comprehensive Disaster Drill on August 25, 2023
Aomori Prefectural Comprehensive Disaster Drill was held on August 25, 2023, with the assumption of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake with its epicenter near Towada City, Aomori Prefecture. Students from the School of Department of Emergency Medical Sciences at our university participated in the drill. In the event of a disaster, the students collaborated with various related organizations (fire brigades, emergency medical teams, disaster medical assistance teams, etc.) to quickly assess the urgency, transport, and provide assistance in treating approximately 30 people trapped in buildings. Through their activities with veteran medical professionals in a tense situation, students learned the importance of team medical care in times of disaster. Students who played the role of injured people participated in the drill with moulage (simulated injuries) and deepened their understanding of the feeling of those being rescued